Announce a collaborative event

Tell us about the event you're planning. We will send it to relevant brands who have told us they want to hear about collaboration opportunities. We only accept genuine, established fashion brands and their representatives onto our list - your request will not go to consumers or be shared publicly online by us.

Your Company Name

Business Email

This email address will be sent as part of your request, and brands will reply to you directly.

Event Name

What sort of event is it?

Where will it be?

Collaboration Details

Sell your event to potential collaborators. What are you organising, when will it be, why should they be part of it, and what exactly are you looking for from them? How should they contact you? You can include web links, email addresses and telephone numbers.

Brand Types

Select the types of businesses you want to include in your event.

Product Types

Select the kinds of products you are happy to include in your event.
