Share Videos to Win!
Post videos from the Spiritual Gangster Sample Sale:
- The best will win $20 as a thank you (via PayPal)!
- We'll post our faves on our IG and Tiktok accounts and tag you, to help you grow your followers!
- We'll announce winners to 1.5 million Chicmi users in our daily and weekly emails!
How to make great videos - no need to show your face:
- The more videos you upload, the more chances to win
- Line reports (video what it looks like outside the venue)
- Pricing reports (talk through price ranges while videoing)
- Inside shots from the sale (show the products)
- What you bought at the sale (if your bought something, share your excitement!)
Simply post videos in the sale comments section to win - we'll pick the winners after the sale ends and let you know if you're the lucky one!